Sunday, April 21, 2013

Music & Lyrics

As David and I are in the final stages of editing and mixing the song that is likely to open the next album, I rediscover how I intake and experience sound. When it comes to listening to existing tracks of other artists, I may pick up on various details in each time I hear the song. But when I am listening to the recording of my work, starting at the raw stages, and coming to a place where only certain tweaks are necessary, I realized that there is a whole music dimension in my mind. It is somewhat visual... Yet overall pretty impossible to describe. It is one of those experiences that live in the mind, and are not transcribed for anyone else to know, for they of course will have their own experience.

I saw the texture of what I wanted to hear, I saw the placement of it... With stereo panning today, there are many possibilities for music editing, and I strive for creating a particular atmosphere. David has been doing a remarkable job, while playing the role of a musician, but also the sound engineer.

I still have a few works to finish. The lyrics always come in pieces, joining together on different days to pull together a whole puzzle. I never know what the song will end up saying after all is written. I walk around, and I hear a word or a phrase that demands to be noted. I put it on paper, and let it live quietly in my pocket for however long it requires before more is born.
It is hard to think back now, how several years ago I was not living this way... Music was on my mind at all times before as well, but I think it was more oriented towards "mastering my instrument" and being "good enough", then self-loathing in a practice room... Then gears shifted and I became a creator. I used to still feel that I am not "doing what I'm supposed to" when I sat at the piano and wrote, instead of practicing violin. Now it is just what is happening in some part of my mind at all times. More pronounced in certain moments, less vivid at others.

Tomorrow I am going back to Alexander Technique training, and that always brings up inspiration, oddly... Looking into my own nooks and crannies.


FB/ opaque.voices
Twitter: @AriadnaKMusic

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