Friday, March 29, 2013

At Last, A Blog

Beginning a blog feels like writing to no one and writing to everyone. It resembles a diary, completely available to a stranger. It resembles a silent therapy session...

This page will be about Opus Impromptu, a musical collective, our process of creating music, and perhaps, at times my own pondering of random ideas, artistic or otherwise.

David Harewood (not the actor -- the jazz pianist), and myself have been playing music for several years together. We connected right away through improvising freely together. Free improvisation is playing music collectively without setting any preplanned ideas or parameters. It is the best practice at living in the moment. We unleash an expressive nature and at times the music that comes out is good. At other times - not so much!

A few examples of it are on:

We met in Denver, CO, though originally David is from New York City, and I am from St.-Petersburg, Russia. After spending several years in the middle of the country, we both, at different times, relocated back East, and now are about to embark on a whole new musical journey in the NYC area, and hopefully eventually go on tour.
We began recording a new album together, following my debut Opaque Voices. Yet this time the feel of the music promises to be more up-beat, while still containing story-telling lyrics.

I have been going through wonderful writing spurts, and it feels like simply letting the music and words come through me... David then is the master of sound-engineeing.

Moving to New York, studying Alexander Technique, turning a page into a new chapter... All of these things have been a catalyst to begin a new music project. The energy here is unlike any other, and I believe I have become to embrace it thoroughly...


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